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I am a wife and home schooling mother to four kiddos. It's not always easy, but I am blessed to have the opportunity to be there each step of the way as my kids grow and learn.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Doing it All

I have had a lot of people lately tell me that I am "supermom" or that they just don't see how I do it. While I appreciate the compliments very much, I'd like to take a moment to dispell the myth. I am far far far from perfect or super. Of course when I'm around other people I have a tendency to let my patience stretch a little further. I temper my comments better. I smile more. I do try to be real with my friends as much as possible and I do appreciate it when people are geniune with me. Yet who of us doesn't put on a "face" just teensy weensy bit in public? Who would love me, except for my kids and husband, if I were as...er...fiesty (as I can be at home)to everyone.
So how do I do it all? I don't. I can't. I am not supermom. I never get the laundry done, there is often dishes in the sink, I don't cover every subject material that we should cover every day. I don't always diplomatically work things out with my kids and husband. I don't cook everyday (though I wish I did) I don't even shower everyday. I cry. I get angry. I wonder if I'll be able to keep doing this for x many more years. This is okay. I am willing to bet nearly every home schooling mom, or lets just say every mom in general who reads this, will be able to identify.

We will never achieve perfection in this lifetime. If I try to seem perfect to you, then how can I be helpful to you? How can you identify with me? Sure we don't all have to air all our dirty laundry, but we should be real with each other. This helps us to grow together, learn together. Sharing our imperfections and struggles with our fellow moms can bring us closer, help us not feel so alone, and help us improve in some of the areas were we feel we are lacking.


  1. Glad that you posted this. I tend to put other mom's up on a pedestal that I fear I will never be able to measure up to. It's nice to know everyone else has their dirty laundry too. :) However, I think that you are far more entitled to have a few more melt downs with your 4 little ones. ;)

  2. Thank you so much Stephanie. I posted this because I want to encourage moms to be encouraging to each other and not get pulled into the game of "my kids the cutest, smartest, most well behaved, and my house is the cleanest". I hate to see moms trying to tear each other down. We need to build each other up! I know you are sweet mommy steph. As long as Sam knows you and Patrick love her then you've done your job!

  3. You are super mom. Your kids a pretty cute too.
